Parade and Awards


Silent 16mm film. The Governor-General, Cyril Newall and Lady Newall are greeted by an (unidentified) American General on a mid-way point in Lambton Quay. Commanding officers and distinguished guests are gathered at this junction. A large crowd lines the street behind them, and thousands of people are tightly bunched along both sides of the street and on every available balcony.

A US military jeep heads a marching parade, which starts with a US military brass band. They pass a small group of standing, commanding officers (COs), with distinguished guests seated behind them. Various groups follow: New Zealand war veterans, the 1st NZ Expeditionary Force, ANZAC’s, a US Marine Rifle company followed by a NZ Rifle company wearing lemon squeezers and another company of NZ soldiers. More American Marine troops follow, then a Scots marching band. A squad of the Women’s Royal New Zealand Naval Service (Wrens), closely followed by members of the Women’s War Service Auxiliary (NZ). Close-up shots of a US Military band followed by a large group of American Red Cross volunteers.

A line of military vehicles follow the marching troops; a Red Cross van, jeeps, military trucks towing mounted howitzer guns, and tanks. The crowds fill the street as the parade passes.

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In the parade grounds of Camp Tarawa, on Hawai’i Island, a large group of mixed officers from the 2nd Marine Division, march onto the grounds in formation. They salute their commanding officers. A table of medals is shown. A four-star general addresses the parade through a public address system. The general and commanding officers walk along the lines of Marines, awarding them Presidential Unit Citation medals for their recent battle at Tarawa Atoll and shaking their hands. Another squadron of Marines marches out, accompanied by a brass band, and they receive their medals. Close-ups of the commanding officers, some more parading before soldiers are dismissed and begin congratulating each other.

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In this silent footage, a regiment of US Marines is gathered on the Wellington Docks in front of an American warship. The camera pans slowly to reveal all the men, both on the dock and on the deck of the ship. An officer speaks into a microphone giving citations for a few of the men. It appears that three Marines are given a special citation for an unknown act, and the shot closes with them posing with a medal.

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